Lomonosov Moskova Devlet ÜniversitesiLomonosov Moskova Devlet Üniversitesi

Lomonosov Moskova Devlet Üniversitesi, Moskova’da bulunan karma eğitim ve kamu araştırma üniversitesidir. 25 Ocak 1755’te Mikhail Lomonosov tarafından kuruldu. MSU, 1940 yılında Lomonosov’un adını aldı ve daha sonra Lomonosov Moskova Devlet Üniversitesi olarak biliniyordu. Lomonosov Moscow State UniversityAynı zamanda dünyanın en yüksek eğitim binasına ev sahipliği yaptığı iddia ediliyor. Dünyanın en iyi itibara sahip üniversiteleri arasında derecelendirilmiştir.

Moskova Devlet Üniversitesi 1755 yılında kurulmuştur. Üniversitede 40.000’den fazla öğrenci (lisans ve lisansüstü) ve yaklaşık 7.000 lisans öğrencisi eğitim görmektedir ve 5.000’den fazla uzman burada tazeleme kursu vermektedir. Fakülteler ve araştırma enstitülerinde 6.000’den fazla profesör ve öğretim görevlisi ile yaklaşık 5.000 araştırmacı çalışmaktadır. Moskova Üniversitesi her yıl dünyanın her yerinden yaklaşık 4.000 uluslararası öğrenci ve lisansüstü öğrenciyi kabul etmektedir.

Lomonosov Moskova Devlet Üniversitesi kampüsü, 1.000 bina ve yapıdaki 1.000.000 m2 taban alanı, 12.000’den fazla öğrenciyi barındıran 8 yatakhanesi ve 300 km’lik elektrik hatlarıyla son derece karmaşık bir sistemdir. MSU kütüphane sistemi, 2.000.000’i yabancı dilde olmak üzere 9.000.000 kitabı ve yılda 5.500.000 kitap kullanan ortalama 55.000 okuyucu sayısıyla Rusya’nın en büyük kütüphanelerinden biridir.

Lomonosov Moskova Devlet Üniversitesi PansiyonuMoskova Devlet Üniversitesi Pansiyonu

Lomonosov Moskova Devlet Üniversitesi Yurdu, öğrenciler ve öğretim üyeleri için konforlu yaşam koşulları sağlayan karmaşık bir kampüstür.

Ana bina kampüsün merkezi bir parçasıdır. Yan sektörlerinde yerleşim alanı, yani fakülte apartmanları, öğrenciler ve lisansüstü öğrenciler için yurtlar bulunmaktadır. Bina, öğrencilerin ve lisansüstü öğrencilerin (sınıflar, laboratuvarlar, kütüphaneler ve okuma odaları, müzeler, müzeler, kütüphaneler) çalışması, çalışması ve yaşamı için gerekli tüm koşullara sahiptir. Kültür Sarayı, spor kompleksi, yemekhane, tiyatro, postane, tüketici hizmetleri, sağlık merkezi).

Lomonosov Moskova Devlet Üniversitesi PansiyonuTüm büyük binalardaki mağazalar ve büfeler, sakinlere ve çalışanlara gıda ve temel ihtiyaç duyulan mamul malları sağlıyor . ev hayatı çok çeşitli ev hizmetleri sağlar: Giysi ve ayakkabı onarımı, mağaza, kuaför salonu, güzellik salonu. Ücretsiz çamaşırhane hizmeti düzenledi. Postane, e-posta ve telgrafları, faksları, çalışır durumdaki telefon kulübesini teslim eder ve alır.
Binada akşamları, hafta sonları ve resmi tatil günlerinde çalışanlar da dahil olmak üzere çok sayıda yemek odası bulunmaktadır. Çoğu fakültenin öğrenci yurtlarına ulaşmak için yürüyerek sadece birkaç dakikada konaklayabilirsiniz.

Kampüs içerisinde açık hava etkinlikleri için birçok spor bölümü bulunmaktadır; stadyumda, atletizm sahalarında, tenis kortlarında, beyzbol stadyumunda, antrenman ve atletizm binalarında antrenman ve müsabakalar yapılmaktadır. Doğrudan ana binada bir yüzme havuzu ve çeşitli spor salonları bulunmaktadır.

Konutlarda, internete ve MSU yurtlarının yerel ağına bağlanma özelliğine sahip WiFi erişim noktaları kuruludur.

Lomonosov Moskova Devlet Üniversitesi yurdunun yapısı, bağımsız olarak işletilen Lomonosov Moskova Devlet Üniversitesi Hostelive altyapı kampüslerine sahip yedi kampüsten oluşmaktadır:

Lenin Tepelerindeki Öğrenci Evi, Öğrenci Evleri Şubesi, Lomonosov’daki Öğrenci Evi, Vernadsky Prospekt’teki Öğrenci Evi, Kravchenko Öğrenci Evi, stajyer ve mezun Öğrenci Evi, Yasenevo Öğrenci Evi.

Lomonosov Moskova Devlet Üniversitesi Fakülteleri

Lomonosov Moskova Devlet Üniversitesi Fakülteleri İngilizce PROGRAMLAR

BİYOLOJİ FAKÜLTESİLomonosov Moskova Devlet Üniversitesi 2

Yüksek Lisans Derecesi 
120 kredi

  • Ekoloji
  • Nanobiyoteknoloji


  • Jeokrioloji


  • Rus Siyaseti
  • Uluslararası İlişkiler ve Rusya Dış Politikası


Yüksek Lisans Derecesi
120 kredi

  • Jeoloji Yüksek Lisans Derecesi
    Hidrokarbon sahalarının jeolojik-jeofizik keşfi ve modellenmesi


Uluslararası İşletme ve Strateji Bilim Ustası


Yüksek Lisans düzeyindeki kurslar (çeşitli Yüksek Lisans programlarından İngilizce olarak):

1. trimester (Eylül-Aralık)

  • Para Birimi Düzenlemesi
  • Uluslararası Pazarlama Araştırması
  • Sözleşmeler Teorisi
  • Özel Ekonomik Bölgeler ve Açık Deniz Bölgeleri (ileri düzey)
  • Girişim Finansmanı
  • Finansal Yenilikler ve Türevler
  • Uluslararası Finansal Raporlama Standartları-II
  • Uluslararası Pazarlama
  • Uluslararası Finans Piyasaları
  • İslami finans

2. trimester (Ocak-Mart)

  • Personel Yönetimi
  • Uluslararası iş
  • Uluslararası Vergi Sistemleri
  • Uluslararası Pazarlama
  • Uluslararası İletişim ve Liderlik

3. trimester (Nisan-Haziran)

  • Kurumsal Finansman
  • Örgütsel davranış
  • Yeni Girişim Geliştirme
  • Uluslararası Pazarlama
  • İslami finans

Lomonosov Moskova Devlet Üniversitesi Fakülteleri Genel Programlar


Uzmanlık Derecesi (6 yıl)

Özel Biyofizik

Uzmanlık Alanı Moleküler Biyoloji Uzmanlık Alanı Biyokimya

Özel Biyoteknoloji (Bionanoteknoloji dahil)

Özel Biyomühendislik

Uzmanlık Matematiksel biyoloji, biyoinformatik

Özel Hücre Biyolojisi, Sitoloji, Histoloji


Lisans Derecesi


Genel biyoloji ve ekoloji (Omurgalı Zoolojisi ve Ekolojisi, Omurgasız Zoolojisi ve Ekolojisi, İhtiyoloji, Entomoloji, Yüksek Bitki Botaniği ve Ekoloji, Algoloji ve Mikoloji, Jeobotanik, Hidrobiyoloji, Antropoloji, Evrimsel Biyoloji)

Genetik, Hücre Biyolojisi, Embriyoloji (Genetik, Hücre Biyolojisi ve Histoloji,

Gelişim Biyolojisi ve Embriyoloji)

Biyokimya ve Moleküler Biyoloji (Genel Biyokimya, Moleküler Biyoloji, Viroloji,

Biyoorganik Kimya, Mikrobiyoloji ve Mikroorganizmaların Biyoteknolojisi, Bitki

Fizyoloji, İmmünoloji)

Biyomühendislik ve biyofizik (Biyofizik, Biyomühendislik ve Biyoinformatik)

Fizyoloji (İnsan ve Hayvan Fizyolojisi, Yüksek Sinir Aktivitesi Fizyolojisi)

Yüksek Lisans Derecesi


  • Algoloji ve Mikoloji, Yüksek Lisans Programı Jeobotanik
  • Antropoloji
  • Biyomühendislik ve Biyoinformatik
  • Biyomühendislik, Biyoteknoloji ve Biyoekonomi
  • Biyoorganik Kimya
  • Biyofizik
  • Yüksek Bitki Botaniği ve Ekoloji
  • Hücre Biyolojisi ve Histoloji
  • Gelişim Biyolojisi ve Embriyoloji
  • Ekoloji (tüm dersler İngilizcedir)
  • Entomoloji
  • Evrimsel Biyoloji
  • Temel ve Uygulamalı Biyoloji
  • Genel Biyokimya
  • Genetik
  • İnsan ve Hayvan Fizyolojisi
  • Hidrobiyoloji
  • İhtiyoloji
  • İmmünoloji
  • Omurgasız Zoolojisi ve Ekolojisi
  • Mikrobiyoloji ve Mikroorganizmaların Biyoteknolojisi
  • Moleküler Biyoloji
  • Nanobiyoteknoloji (tüm dersler İngilizcedir)
  • Yüksek sinir aktivitesinin fizyolojisi (Nörobiyoloji)
  • Bitki Fizyolojisi
  • Omurgalı Zoolojisi ve Ekolojisi
  • Viroloji

Profiller / Uzmanlık Alanları:

  • Antropoloji
  • Biyokimya
  • Biyomühendislik
  • Biyofizik
  • Biyoteknoloji
  • Botanik
  • Hücre Biyolojisi, Sitoloji, Histoloji
  • Gelişim Biyolojisi ve Embriyoloji
  • Ecology (Biological ecology)
  • Entomology
  • Genetics
  • Hydrobiology
  • Ichthyology
  • Immunology
  • Mathematical Biology and Bioinformatics
  • Microbiology
  • Molecular Biology
  • Mycology
  • Neurobiology
  • Physiology
  • Plant Physiology and Biochemistry
  • Radiobiology
  • Virology
  • Zoology


  • biotechnological – biotechnology, industrial microbiology, industrial biotechnology, molecular and cellular biotechnology, kinetics of biotechnological processes;
  • economic – the economics of bio-industry sector
  • legal – intellectual property protection
  • technical – applied physics, engineering drawing, processes and apparatus of biotechnological sector.

BSc Degree

Biology (General and applied biotechnology) (4 years)

MSc Degree

  • Molecular biotechnology (2 years).
  • General and applied biotechnology (2 years).
  • Photobiotechnology (2 years).
  • Experimental biomedicine (2 years).


BSc Degree

Chemistry (4 years).


  • Analytical chemistry
  • Applied chemical thermodynamics
  • Bioorganic chemistry
  • Chemical engineering and material science
  • Chemical kinetics
  • Chemistry of ionic and molecular systems
  • Colloid chemistry
  • Electrochemistry
  • Fundamental and applied enzymology
  • High energy chemistry
  • Inorganic chemistry
  • Laser chemistry
  • Medicinal Chemistry and Advanced Organic Synthesis
  • Nanobiomaterials and nanobiotechnologies
  • Organic chemistry
  • Petrochemistry
  • Radiochemistry
  • Physical chemistry
  • Polymer Science
  • Solid state chemistry

Postgraduate programs

Chemical sciences

  • Analytical chemistry
  • Bioorganic chemistry
  • Biotechnology
  • Biochemistry
  • Chemical kinetics and catalysis
  • Chemistry of organoelement compounds
  • Colloid chemistry
  • Electrochemistry
  • High energy chemistry
  • Inorganic chemistry
  • Mathematical and quantum chemistry
  • Medical chemistry
  • Organic chemistry
  • Petrochemistry
  • Polymer Science
  • Physical chemistry
  • Radiochemistry
  • Solid state chemistry


BSc Degree

  1. Applied Mathematics andComputer Science (4 years, 240 ECTS). 1st stage of continuous curricula of integrated  Program (BS+MS) including 21 profile programs (trajectories).
  2. Fundamental Informatics and Information Technologies (4 years, 240 ECTS).Bologna-style Program.

MSc Degree

Applied Mathematics and  Computer Science (2 years, 120 ECTS).


  1. Mathematical and computational methods for solving problems of Natural science:
    • Computing technologies and modeling
    • Spectral theory of differential operators and control of distributed systems
    • Numerical methods and mathematical modeling
    • Computer methods in mathematical physics, inverse problems and imaging
    • Modern methods of mathematical modeling
  2. Mathematical methods of information processing and decision making:
    • Operations research and actuarial mathematics
    • Discrete structures and algorithms
    • Discrete controlling systems and their applications
    • Statistical analysis and forecasting of risks
    • Information security of Computer Systems
    • The theory of nonlinear dynamical systems: analysis, synthesis and control
    • Mathematical methods of modeling and optimization techniques for control processes
    • Logical and combinatorial methods of data analysis
    • Mathematical methods of system analysis, dynamics and control
  3. System programming and Computer science:
    • Intelligent systems
    • Big data mining
    • Compiler technology
    • Programming technology
    • Supercomputer systems and applications
    • Distributed systems and computer networks
    • Quantum Informatics

Bologna-style Master Programs (2 years, 120 ECTS).

  • Software for computer networks
  • Mathematical and information software for economic activity
  • Mathematical and program software for information protection
  • Parallel programming technology and high performance computing
  • Applied Internet technologies
  • Big data: infrastructures and methods of problems solving
  • Open information systems

Postgraduate programs

Candidate of Science (PhD) in Applied Mathematics and Computer Science (3-4 years). 01.06.01 Mathematics and mechanics.

  • 01.02 – Differential equations, dynamical systems, and optimal control (4 years full-time)
  • 01.05 – Probability theory and mathematical statistics (4 years full-time)
  • 01.09 – Discrete mathematics and mathematical cybernetics (4 years full-time)
  1. 06.01 Computer and information science.

    • 01.07 – Computational mathematics (3 years full-time)
  2. 06.01 Informatics and Computer Systems.

    • 13.11 – Mathematical and program software for computing systems and computer networks (4 years full-time)
    • 13.18 – Mathematical modeling, numerical methods, and program packages (4 years full-time)
  3. 06.01 Information Security.

    • 13.19 – Methods and systems of information protection, information security (4 years full-time)


MSc Degree

Education Management (2 years).

This program is targeted towards providing the qualified managerial personnel for the “middle manager” and “senior manager” positions in the education system.


BSc Degree

  1. Economics
  2. Management

Courses for exchange bachelor level students:

  • Cross-Cultural Communications in Business
  • Economic History
  • Free Economic Zones and Offshore Territories
  • Introduction to Organization Economics
  • International Economics
  • Management
  • Technical Analys
  • International Financial Reporting Standards
  • International Tax Planning
  • Labor Economics
  • Marketing Principles and Decisions
  • Organizational Behavior
  • International Macroeconomic Statistics
  • International Business Law
  • Theory of Finance
  • Financial Markets
  • Economics and Environmental Management

MSc Degree



  • Public Policy and Regulation
  • Institutional Economics
  • Cognitive Economics
  • Mathematical Methods in Economic Analysis
  • International Economics
  • Economics of the Social Sphere
  • Financial Economics
  • Economic Theory
  • Economics of Entrepreneurship


  • Accounting and Audit
  • Innovation Management
  • Marketing
  • International Business and Development (two degree certificates program)
  • International Financial Reporting Standards
  • Management in Biotechnology
  • Project Management
  • Risk Management and Insurance
  • Corporat and Financial Management

MSc level courses

(in English from various Master programs):

1st trimester (September-December)

  • Currency Regulation
  • International Marketing Research
  • Theory of Contracts
  • Special Economic Zones and Offshore Territories (advanced)
  • Venture Finance
  • Financial Innovations and Derivatives
  • International Financial Reporting Standards-II
  • International Marketing
  • International Financial Markets
  • Islamic Finance

2nd trimester (January-March)

  • Personnel Management
  • International Business
  • International Tax Systems
  • International Marketing
  • International Communications and Leadership

3rd trimester (April-June)

  • Corporate Finance
  • Organizational Behavior
  • New Venture Development
  • International Marketing
  • Islamic Finance

Postgraduate programs

  1. Economic Theory (08.00.01)
  2. National Economy`s Governance (08.00.05)
  3. Finance and Credit (08.00.10)
  4. Accounting and Statistics (08.00.12)
  5. Mathematical and instrumentalMethods in Economic Analysis (08.00.13)
  6. International Economics (08.00.14)


BSc Degree

4 years



Сross-cultural Communication

Theory and Methodology of Foreign Language Teaching

General Linguistics

Cultural Studies

American Studies

European Studies

Russian Studies

MSc Degree

2 years



Theory of Communication and International Public Relations

Theory of Foreign Language Teaching and Intercultural Communication

Contrastive Cultural Studies and Intercultural Communication

Theory of Translation and Intercultural Communication

Russian Language Studies


BSc Degree

4 years

Department of semiotics and theory of arts:

  1. Theory of art
  2. Drawing and pictorial art

Department of theatrical art:

  1. Performing Arts (Musical)
  2. Pedagogy of Classical Dance
  3. Pedagogy of Ballroom Dance
  4. TV and Radio program presenting

Department of  Musical Art:

  1. Classical Singing
  2. Special Piano Playing

MSc Degree

2 years

  1. General theory of arts
  2. Realistic Drawing
  3. Performing Arts (Musical)


Specialist programme

specialist programme «Medicine» full-time,6 years.

specialist programme «Pharmacy» full-time, 5 years.

Postgraduate programmes

Clinical Residency 2 years.

Clinical medicine

  • Obstetrics and gynecology
  • Anesthesiology and resuscitation
  • Internal medicine
  • Eye diseases
  • Radiodiagnostics and radiotherapy
  • Traumatology and orthopedics
  • Urology
  • Surgery
  • Neurology

Doctoral programme full-time 3 years, part-time, 4 years

Fundamental medicine

  • Biochemistry
  • Biophysics
  • Pharmacology, clinical pharmacology
  • Physiology

Clinical medicine

  • Obstetrics and gynecology
  • Anesthesiology and resuscitation
  • Internal medicine
  • Eye diseases
  • Radiodiagnostics and radiotherapy
  • Traumatology and orthopedics
  • Urology
  • Surgery
  • Neurology


  • Organization of pharmaceutical business
  • Pharmaceutical chemistry, pharmacognosy


Specialist Degree Program

Fundamental and applied chemistry (6 years).

BSc Degree

Applied mathematics and physics (4 years)

Sc Degree

Applied mathematics and physics (2 years).

Graduate school

4 years

  1. Physics of condensed conditions
  2. Physical chemistry


  • Dynamic Geology
  • Regional Geology and Earth’s History
  • Lithology and Marine Geology
  • Geology and Geochemistry of Fuel Minerals
  • Theoretical Basics of Exploitation of Oil and Gas Fields
  • Geology, Geochemistry and Economics of  Mineral  Resources
  • Paleontology
  • Crystallography and Crystal Chemistry
  • Mineralogy
  • Petrology
  • Geochemistry
  • Hydrogeology
  • Engineering and Ecological Geology
  • Geocryology
  • Geophysical Methods of Investigation of the Earth’s Crust
  • Seismometry and Geoacoustics
  • Foreign Languages

BSc Degree


MSc Degree

  1. Geotectonics and Geodynamics
  2. Regional Geology
  3. 4D Modeling in Geology
  4. Geology, Geochemistry and Economics of Natural Resources
  5. Marine Geology
  6. Lithology
  7. Paleontology
  8. Deep Geophysics
  9. Shallow Geophysics
  10. Seismometry and Geoacoustics
  11. Theoretic Basics of Oil and Gas Fields Exploitation
  12. Petrology
  13. Mineralogy
  14. Gemmology
  15. Crustallography
  16. Geochemistry
  17. Geology and Geochemistry of Oil and GasDEPOSITS
  18. Geology and Exploration of Coal and Oil Sale Deposits
  19. Resources and Protection of Underground Waters
  20. Oil-and-Gas Hydrogeology
  21. Engineering Geodynamics
  22. Regional Engineering Geology
  23. Ground  Science
  24. General Geocryology
  25. Engineering Geocryology of Oil-and-Gas Provinces
  26. Ecological Geology

 Postgraduate programs

  1. General and Regional Geology
  2. Paleontology and Stratigraphy
  3. Tectonics and Geodynamics
  4. Petrology, Volcanology
  5. Mineralogy, Crystallography
  6. Lithology
  7. Hydrogeology
  8. Engineering Geology, Geocryology and Ground Science
  9. Geochemistry, Geochemical Methods of Exploration for Mineral Resources
  10. Geophysics, Geophysical Methods of Exploration for Mineral Resources
  11. Geology, Prospecting and Exploration for Mineral Resources
  12. Geology, Prospecting and Exploration for Oil and Gas Fields
  13. Geoecology


BSc Degree

  1. Geography


  • Physical Geography and Landscape Science
  • Geomorphology and Palaeogeography
  • Glaciology аnd Cryolithology
  • Economic and Social Geography of Russia
  • Socio-Economic Geography of Foreign Countries
  • Geography of World Economy
  1. Hydrometeorology


  • Hydrology
  • Meteorology
  • Oceanology
  1. Ecology and Environmental Management


  • Environmental Geochemistry
  • Ecological Biogeography
  • Geoecology and World Physical Geography
  • Environmental Management
  • Ecology and Law
  1. Cartography and Geoinformatics
  2. Tourism

MSc Degree

  1. Geography

    • Physical Geography and Landscape Science
    • Geomorphology and Palaeogeography
    • Glaciology аnd Cryolithology
    • Economic and Social Geography of Russia
    • Socio-Economic Geography of Foreign Countries
    • Geography of World Economy
  2. Hydrometeorology

    • Hydrology
    • Meteorology
    • Oceanology
  3. Ecology and Environmental Management

    • Environmental Geochemistry
    • Ecological Biogeography
    • Geoecology and World Physical Geography
    • Environmental Management
    • Ecology and Law
  4. Cartography and Geoinformatics
  5. Tourism


BSc Degree

4 years

  1. Global Economics and Management
  2. Political Management and Diplomacy
  3. International Humanitarian Cooperation

MSc Degree

2 years

  1. Political Global Studies
  2. Economic Global Studies
  3. Global Studies and Tourism


  • Department of Pre-19th century Russian history
  • Department of Russian history of the 19th-beginning of the 20th century
  • Department of Russian history of the 20th-21st centuries
  • Department of Ancient history
  • Department of Medieval History
  • Department of Modern European and American History
  • Department of the NIS countries history
  • Department of History of the Southern and Western Slavs
  • Department of the History of Russian social movements and political parties
  • Department of Ethnology
  • Department of Archeology
  • Department of the Church history
  • Department of Historical Methodology (Source oriented)
  • Department of Russian Art history
  • Department of World Art History

BSc Degree

  1. History (4 years).
  2. History of Art (4 years)

MSc Degree

  1. History (2 years). Tuition fee – 300 200.
  2. History of Art (2 years).


BSc Degree


  1. Professional Modules (industrial)
    • Print Journalism
    • Television Journalism
    • Radio Journalism
    • Internet Journalism
    • Photo Journalism
    • Mediabusiness
    • Print Design
    • Advertising
    • Public Relations
    • Sociology of Journalism
  2. Professional Modules (themed)
    • International Journalism
    • Political Journalism
    • Business Journalism
    • Culture in Journalism
    • Sport in Journalism
    • Social Studies in Journalism
    • Musical Journalism
    • Lifestyle Journalism

MSc Degree

  1. Television Journalism.
  2. Strategic communications.
  3. Theory and Technology of Contemporary Journalism.
  4. Theory and Economics of Digital Media.


  1. The department of administrative law
  2. The department of civil law
  3. The department of civil process
  4. The department of foreign languages
  5. The department of history of state and law
  6. The department of commercial law and fundamentals of jurisprudence
  7. The department of constitutional and municipal law
  8. The department of criminalistics
  9. The department of international law
  10. The department of enterpreneurial law
  11. The department of history of state and law and political science
  12. The department of employment law
  13. The department of criminal law and criminology
  14. The department of criminal process, legal proceedings and public prosecutor’s supervision
  15. The department of financial law
  16. The department of ecological and land law

BSc Degree

  • Public law (4 years). Civil law (4 years).
  • Criminal law (4 years).

Civil law (4 years).

MSc Degree

Public law (2 years).

  • Collective subjects of administrative law
  • History of State and Law and comparative law
  • Constitution and legal problems of organization of state and  municipal authority in the Russian Federation
  • International economical (commercial) law
  • WTO and regional integration associations (EU and Eurasian   Economical  Union)
  • Tax administration, tax consulting and protection of a taxpayer

Civil law (2 years).

  • Master of private law
  • Civil and administrative legal proceedings
  • Contractual regulation in commercial activity
  • Commercial (trade) law
  • Competitive law
  • Corporative law
  • Legal support of business activity (Law and Business)
  • Legal regulation of insolvency (bankruptcy)
  • Labour, state, business: legal aspects of interaction
  • Legal regulation of land use and creation of real estate objects

Criminal law (2 years).

  • Criminalistics in law enforcement procedure
  • Criminal law and criminology; penitentiary law
  • Criminal procedure, judicial authority, public prosecution,    advocacy


BSc Degree

Materials Chemistry, Physics and Mechanics (4 years).

MSc Degree

Materials Chemistry, Physics and Mechanics (2 years).

Postgraduate programs

Inorganic chemistry (4 years).
Solid state chemistry (4 years).
Physics of condensed matter (4 years).


Specialist Degree

  1. Fundamental Mathematics and Mechanics (6 years).

BSc Degree

  1. Fundamental Mathematics and Mechanics (4 years).


  • Mathematics
  • Mechanics

MSc Degree

  1. Mathematics (2 years).


    1. Mathematical Analysis.
    2. Geometrical and Computational Methods in Mathematical Physics.
  1. Mathematics And Computer Science (2 years).


    1. Mathematical and Computer Methods of Analysis.
    2. Computer Geometry.
    3. Computer Algebra.
    4. Mathematical Methods of Information Security.
    5. Mathematical Cybernetics.
    6. Intellectual Systems.
    7. Theory and Applications.
    8. Mathematical Economics.
  1. Mechanics And Mathematical Simulation (2 years).


  • Navigation and Control in Space and on Earth. Mathematical Methods and Algorithms.
  • Numerical Modeling of Continuum Mechanics Problems with Using Modern High-Performance Computing.
  • Mathematical Modeling of Nanostructures and Nanoprocesses.
  • Fundamental Problems of Engineering in the Aerospace.
  • Modelling of Physically Similar Phenomena.
  • Fluid Mechanics of Environments with Microstructure.
  • Mechanics of Natural
  • Research of Behavior of Metals and Alloys in Thermomechanical Processes of Complex Loading.
  • The Experimental and Computational Mechanics of Composites and Nanocomposites.

Postgraduate programs

Mathematics and Mechanics (4 years).

  1. Specializations:
    • Real, Complex and Functional Analysis,
    • Differential Equations, Dynamical Systems and Optimal Control,
    • Geometry and Topology,
    • Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics,
    • Mathematical Logic, Algebra and Number Theory,
    • Theoretical Mechanics,
    • Mechanics of Deformable Rigid Body,
    • Mechanics of Fluid, Gas and Plasma,
  2. Computer and Informational sciences (4 years).
  3. Specializations:

Computational Mathematics

Discreet Mathematics and mathematical Cybernetics

Informatics and Computational Technology (4 years).


Mathematical Tools and Software for Computers, Complexes and Networks

Theoretical Basics of Informatics

Informational Security (4 years).


  • Methods and systems of Data Protection. Information Security


Specialist Degree

Astronomy (6 years).

BSc Degree

Physics (4 years).

MSc Degree

Physics (2 years).


  • Theoretical physics
  • Mathematical physics
  • Biophysics
  • Physics of molecular processes and extreme matter state
  • Physics of condensed matter and complex systems
  • Physics of nanosystems
  • Mathematical methods in quantum field theory and statistical mechanics
  • Medical physics
  • Optics and spectroscopy, physics of laser and synchrotron radiation
  • System analysis, physical and mathematical modeling and control methods
  • Physics of particles and cosmology
  • Physics of elementary particles
  • Physics of fundamental interactions
  • Physics of accelerators and radiation medicine
  • Physics of atomic nucleus and quantum theory of collisions
  • Space physics and astrophysics of cosmic rays
  • Plasma physics
  • Physics of nucleus and elementary particle
  • Neutron physics and physics of nanosystems
  • X-ray and Mossbauer methods for research of condensed matter
  • Physics of semiconductors
  • Physics of functional nanomaterials
  • Physics of magnetic phenomena
  • Low-temperature physics
  • Physics of quantum and cooperative phenomena
  • Quantum and non-linear oscillation systems
  • Waves in structured medias
  • Physical Electronics
  • Non-linear optics and laser physics
  • Physical and applied acoustics
  • Quantum electronics and quantum optics
  • Physics of atmosphere and near-earth space
  • Physics of Earth
  • Physics of sea and inland water
  • Information technologies in physics
  • Fundamental astronomy and astrophysics
  • Engineering physics

Postgraduate programs

Post-graduate program in Physics and Astronomy (3-4 years)


  • Mathematical physics
  • Astrometry and celestial mechanics
  • Astrophysics and stellar astronomy
  • Equipment and methods of experimental physics
  • Theoretical physics
  • Radiophysics
  • Physical electronics
  • Optics
  • Acoustics
  • Condensed matter physics
  • Plasma physics
  • Low-temperature physics
  • Physics of semiconductors
  • Physics of magnetic phenomena
  • Physics of atomic nucleus and elementary particles
  • Chemical physics, burning and explosion, physics of extreme state of matter
  • Physics of charged-particle beam and acceleration technology
  • Laser physics
  • High-energy physics
  • Macromolecular compounds
  • Biophysics
  • Mathematical simulation, numerical methods and program complexes
  • Geophysics, geophysical methods of mineral exploration
  • Physics of atmosphere and hydrosphere


BSc Degree

Philology (4 years).


Russian Language and Literature

Russian as a Foreign Language

Slavic Philology

Modern West-European Languages and Literatures

Translation Studies: Theory and Practice

Classical Philology

Byzantine and Modern Greek Philology

Fundamental and Applied Linguistics (4 years).

MSc Degree

Philology (2 years).

Fundamental and Applied Linguistics (2 years).


BSc Degree

4 years full time

  1. Philosophy
  2. Religious Studies and Philosophy of Religion
  3. Cultural Studies
  4. Advertising and Public Relations
  5. Economic Policy and Political Sciences

MSc Degree

2 years full time

  1. Philosophy
  2. Religious Studies and Philosophy of Religion
  3. Cultural Studies
  4. Advertising and Public Relations
  5. Strategic Management: Economic Policy and Political Sciences


BSc Degree

Political science


  • Political Management and Public Relations
  • Economic Policy of Modern States
  • Political Communication Studies

MSc Degree

Political science


  • Political Science
  • Russian Politics
  • International Relations and Foreign Policy of Contemporary Russia
  • Leadership in Social and Political Spheres
  • State Health Care Policy
  • Political Economy
  • Electoral Systems and Electoral Process
  • Political Design of the Future: Theory and Practice
  • International Communication
  • Eurasian Integration


Psychology of Work Activities

  • Organizational Counselling
  • Psychology of Negotiations and Conflict Resolution
  • Psychology of Cognition and Functioning of the Subject
  • Development and Learning Psychology
  • Mediapsychology
  • Socio-Psychological Support of Professional Activity

Clinical Psychology

  • Clinical Psychophysiology
  • Neuropsychology and Clinical-Psychological Rehabilitation
  • Psychosomatics. Psychology of Abnormal Development
  • Sports Psychology
  • Psychology of Extreme and Emergency Situations
  • Psychotherapy, Psychoanalytic Psychology and Counselling

Pedagogy and Psychology of Deviant Behavior

  • Psychological Consultation in the Educational Environment

MSc Degree

Courses (daytime and evening) are available in the following areas:

  • Clinical-Psychological Rehabilitation of Cognitive and Emotional Processes
  • Organizational Psychology
  • Psychoanalytic Psychology, Psychoanalytic Counselling and Psychotherapy (evening only)
  • Health Psychology (evening only)
  • Psychology of Negotiations
  • Sports Psychology
  • Psychophysiology (daytime only)
  • Family Psychology and Family Counselling (evening only)
  • Social Psychology
  • Social Developmental Psychology (daytime only)
  • Theoretical and Experimental Psychology (daytime only)
  • Economic Psychology


BSc Degree

  1. Public and Municipal Administration (4 years).


Strategic management;

Kriz yönetimi;

Ekonomik ve finansal yönetim;

Bölge ve belediye yönetimi.

Yönetim (4 yıl).


“Performans Yönetimi”;

“Kurumsal Finansman”.

İnsan Kaynakları Yönetimi (4 yıl).

Siyaset Bilimi (4 yıl)

Yüksek Lisans Derecesi

Kamu ve Belediye Yönetimi


Fakültenin Lisans Mezunları için

  • Ekonomi ve finans yönetimi
  • Stratejik yönetişim
  • Kriz yönetimi
  • Bölgesel ve yerel yönetişim

Genel Programlar:

  • Dış ekonomik faaliyetlerin devlet yönetimi
  • Küresel yönetişim ve uluslararası kuruluşlar
  • Devlet ve belediye yönetiminin tarihsel analizi
  • Bölgesel ve yerel yönetişim
  • Sosyal alanda yönetim
  • Modern makine ve teknoloji yönetimi
  • Etnik gruplar arası ve devlet-mezhep ilişkilerinin yönetimi
  • Doğal kaynakların devlet yönetimi



  • İş Analizi ve Finans
  • Finansal Yönetim
  • Stratejik Pazarlama
  • Bilgi Yönetimi
  • Kâr amacı gütmeyen kuruluşların yönetimi
  • Petrol ve gaz endüstrisinin yönetimi

İnsan kaynakları yönetimi


Stratejik insan kaynakları yönetimi

Siyaset Bilimi

Ekonomik ve politik süreçlerin stratejik yönetimi


Lisans Derecesi (4 yıl)

  • Sosyoloji
  • Yönetmek

Yüksek Lisans Derecesi (2 yıl)

  • Kişilik Sosyolojisi
  • Modern Yönetim için Sosyal Teknolojiler
  • Siyasi Yönetim Sosyolojisi
  • Modern Megalopolis’in İletişimsel Alanı
  • Modern Sosyal Araştırma Yöntemleri

Lisansüstü programlar (3 yıl)


  • Sosyolojinin Teorisi, Metodolojisi ve Tarihi
  • Ekonomik Sosyoloji ve Demografi
  • Sosyal Yapı, Sosyal Kurumlar ve Süreç
  • Kültür Sosyolojisi
  • Yönetim Sosyolojisi
  • Siyaset Sosyolojisi


Lisans Derecesi

Uluslararası ilişkiler

Yüksek Lisans Derecesi

Uluslararası ilişkiler


  • Dünya Siyaseti ve Uluslararası Güvenlik
  • Uluslararası İlişkilerin Bölgesel Sorunları
  • Uluslararası İlişkilerde Medya İletişimi (2016’da başladı)
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