Saint Petersburg State University (SPbU)

St. Petersburg State University is one of the largest, most prestigious and historic universities in Russia, known as the Russian Amber and founded by the Russian Tsar Peter the great, in 1724. The university is one of the cultural and historical symbols of Russia . Saint Petersburg State UniversityThe University, in addition to its outstanding reputation in scientific and cultural fields, is a major Center for scientific research and Advanced Research. With 19 different faculties, the University teaches and researches in a variety of disciplines including Humanities, Social Sciences, Mathematical Sciences, Natural Sciences and engineering . The educational institution includes 8 Nobel Prize-winning celebrities and many important and influential people from science and culture, including Russian President Vladimir Putin to Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev, Dmitry Likhachev, Pavel brolov, Alexander Bloch, Igor Stravinsky, Vladimir verdasky, Sergei Diaghilev and Ivan Turgenev. The university was also the venue for the lessons of Dmitry Mendeleev the discoverer of the global periodic system one of the unique features of the University according to the standards of the federal law FZ259 issued in November 2009 by Dmitry Medvedev the then president of Russia St. Petersburg and the Moscow University of Lomonosov were two academics, who obtained the authority of this authority of the law .

Saint Petersburg State University Today

  • -international partners.
  • -30,000 students
  • -6,000 staff members
  • -106 undergraduate programs
  • -205 master programs and areas of specialization
  • -263 doctoral degree programs
  • -29 clinical residency programs
  • -international students from over 70 countries
  • -over 3 000 international students on degree and non-degree programs
  • -350 partner universities
  • -the best university Research Park in Russia
  • -7,000,000 books in the collection of the University Research Library
  • -diploma issued in Russian and English
  • -12,800 places in the halls of residence


St Petersburg State University Hostels

Saint Petersburg State University hostelThere are 12 bedrooms,cafe,fitness center,medical center,laundry, entertainment spaces.The hostel is situated near the historical and cultural palace named Petergof which is said to be a kind of Russian Versailles.You can reach the city center by bus which takes 40 minutes or by train which takes 30 minutes accordingly.

St Petersburg State University hostel offers two or three person room accommodation.You can find a common kitchen on each floor and also a small market situated at the hostel’s territory.

Benua House HostelSaint Petersburg State University hostels

Benua House is a new hostel open in 2013 year which is situated at the city center 20 minutes to Nevskiy
Prospekt and 15 minutes to Russian language education faculty building by foot.Every room is suited with personal kitchen and bathroom. 

Education Benefits

-active student
participation in the educational process;

-the best realization of a student’s individual potential;

-ECTS – European Credit Transfer System;

-academic disciplines are designed according to the modular principle;

-student exchange programs with partner universities

-internships and work placements at leading Russian and international —companies;

-access to unique research facilities, technology and full-text electronic -databases;

-modern educational technologies;

-state-of-the-art research equipment;

-opportunity to master Russian at the Institute of the Russian Language and Culture.



Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Computer  Sciences and Information Sciences

-Applied Mathematics and Computer Science

-Applied Mathematics, Fundamental Informatics and Programming

-Applied Physics and Mathematics

-Electromagnetic and Acoustic Process

-Engineering-oriented Physics

-Mathematical Methods of System Analysis and Control into Information and Expert      Systems


-Mechanics and Mathematical Modelling


-Programming and Information Technology

-Reliability and Safety of Complex Systems

-Software and Administration of Information Systems

Natural Sciences


-Cartography and Geoinformatics


-Chemistry, Physics and Material Mechanics

-Ecology and Nature Management




-Petroleum Engineering

-Real Estate Registration

-Soil Science

Economics and Management

-Business Informatics

-Economic and Mathematical Methods


-Economics (with advanced study of the Economy of China and the Chinese language)

-International Management


-Personnel Management

-Public Administration

Social Sciences

-Advertising and Public Relations

-Asian and African Studies


-International Journalism

-International Relations

-Islamic Studies



-Laws (with Advanced Study of the Chinese Language and the Law of the PRC)

-Political Science


-Russian Studies

-Social Work



-Tourist Activity Organization (with Chinese language)


-Applied Ethics

-Applied, Computer and Computational Linguistics (English)

-Classical Philology (Old Greek and Latin; Ancient Literature)

-Cultural Studies

-English Language and Literature

-Foreign Languages

-Foreign Literature, Foreign Languages(French)

-General and Applied Phonetics


-History Of Arts

-Modern Greek, Byzantine and Modern Greek Philology


-Religious Studies

-Russian as a Foreign Language

-Russian Philology

-(Russian Language and Literature)

-Theoretical and Experimental Linguistics( English)

-Theory and Methods of Teaching Foreign Languages and Cultures


-Theory and Practice of Intercultural Communication (English)

-Translation Theory and Cross-Linguistic Communication

Art and Culture

-Applied Art

-Applied Informatics in Arts and Humanities

-Attribution and Expertise of Artistic Values

-Attribution and Expertise of Cultural Objects

-Environmental Design

-Graphic Design

-Instrumental Music

-Liberal Arts and Sciences


-Vocal Performance

Monthly Dormitory Fee Health insurance Monthly Cost of Living
$60-100 $180 (1 Year) $300
UNDERGRADUATE DEPARTMENTS Episode Duration Annual Department Fee
General Medicine 6 years $4000
General Medicine English 6 years $5750
Dentist 5 years $4500
Dentistry English 5 years $5450
Nursing 4 years $2750
International relations 4 years $7000
International Relations (English) 4 years $8000
international trade 4 years $8000
International Business 4 years $10000
Business 4 years $9000
Law 4 years $8500
International law 4 years $8500
Economy 4 years $6500
Economics (English) 4 years $7500
Information Systems and Technologies 4 years $6500
Free Arts and Sciences 4 years $6000
Tourism 4 years $4500
Advertising and Public Relations 4 years $7000
Public administration 4 years $7000
Fine Arts 4 years $7500
Journalism 4 years $6200
Conservatory 4 years $5500
Political Science 4 years $5000
Psychology 4 years $5200
Philosophy 4 years $5500
Graphic design 4 years $6000
History 4 years $4500
Sociology 4 years $4200
Chemical 4 years $5000
Islamic Religious Studies 4 years $7000
Physical 4 years $5300
Biology 4 years $5000
Linguistics 4 years $7000
International relations 4 years $3000
Yüksek Lisans Bölümleri Bölüm Süresi Yıllık Bölüm Ücreti
Uluslararası İlişkiler 2 Yıl 6000$
Uluslararası İlişkiler (İngilizce) 2 Yıl 7000$
Uluslararası Ticaret 2 Yıl 7000$
Uluslararası İşletme 2 Yıl 10000$
İşletme 2 Yıl 9000$
Hukuk 2 Yıl 6500$
Hukuk (İngilizce) 2 Yıl 8000$
Dünya Ekonomisi 2 Yıl 6500$
Ekonomi (İngilizce) 2 Yıl 7500$
Serbest Sanat ve Bilim 2 Yıl 6000$
Turizm 2 Yıl 6000$
Reklamcılık ve Halkla İlişkiler 2 Yıl 6000$
Kamu Yönetimi 2 Yıl 8000$
Güzel Sanatlar 2 Yıl 7500$
Gazetecilik 2 Yıl 7500$
Dünya Siyaseti 2 Yıl 6000$
Psikoloji 2 Yıl 5200$
Felsefe 2 Yıl 7500$
Grafik Tasarım 2 Yıl 6200$
Tarih 2 Yıl 5500$
Sosyoloji 2 Yıl 5000$
Kimya 2 Yıl 5500$
Fizik 2 Yıl 5300$
Biyoloji 2 Yıl 5000$
Rusça Dili ve Edebiyatı 2 Yıl 8000$
 Application Form For St. St. Petersburg State University (SPbU)

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