Saint Petersburg State Polytechnic University
St.Petersburg Polytechnic University has a long-standing and successful history over 100 years where a great deal of important discoveries and inventions have been made. It was founded in 1899. SPbPU has recently become the “National Research University” a recognized Russian and international leader in the fi eld of engineering and economic education with rich educational, scientifi c and innovation infrastructure. Headed by leading scientists, there were established new competence centers in the priority scientifi c areas.The university has been developing successful partnerships with over 100 leading international companies to perform profound researches through their requests.
Nowadays, SPbPU is the leading university of Russia with over than 26 000 students and rapidly increasing number of foreign students. The University is a member of Academic Excellence program among Russian Universities “5-100-2020”. SPbPU is listed in the QS World University Rankings and Times Higher Education (THE) where it has the 113 position among European universities. The University is carrying out education and research activities in the following areas: natural science, engineering, economics and humanities. The University is proud of its longstanding traditions of international cooperation with many foreign educational institutions, research organizations and industrial companies.
St.Petersburg Polytechnic University is a large Russian technical university, encompassing a number of long-standing, high-profile scientific schools and holding an impressive track record of undisputed achievements in research, education and innovation. Drawing on key global trends in research and development, technology and education, the ambitious “Russian Academic Excellence Project 5-100” issued the challenge to the Polytechnic University to join the world’s top 100 universities by the year 2020 and thus win a position at the cutting edge of the global education.
The strategic goal of SPbPU is the modernization and development of the university into a leading globally competitive research and education center for integrating interdisciplinary research and world-class technologies.
Polytechnic University sees its overall mission in ensuring its continued competitive advantage in the domestic and foreign markets of educational services and providing reliable assistance to the state in reinforcing the economic power and international presence of Russia. It aims to become a globally competitive research and education center, to attain a ranking among the world’s top universities, to render advanced training to new generations of personnel, and to play an instrumental role in the technological modernization of strategic industries by employing interscience and advanced pan-industry technology.
Hostels Saint Petersburg Polytechnic University
Over 7000 students from other cities and countries live in dormitories of SPbPU campus. All dormitories are situated not far from the academic buildings of the university and underground stations. The campus is divided in 3 complexes of dormitories: “on Lesnoy prospect”, “on Ploshchad Muzhestva” and “on Grazhdansky prospect”.
Generally foreign university students live in two-room fully-accommodated living blocks in dormitory of complex “on Grazhdansky prospect” and in the new dormitory №8 of complex “on Ploshchad Muzhestva”.
For guests and business partners of SPbPU as well as parents and guests of students and applicants there is an opportunity to live in superior hostel rooms of the campus. Regarding room reservation and guests’ accommodation apply for the administration of the secondary service complex.
For students to live a comfortable, active and interesting life in dormitories there are tennis and fitness rooms, classrooms, launderettes, broadband Internet and digital TV access. Dormitories have free Wi-Fi zones. There are also sportsgrounds, sports clubs and a student union on the campus territory. Various tournaments on mini-football, ping-pong, chess and other sport events are held every year and over 20 dormitory teams participate in them.
Bachelor’s degree
The first University level degree is the Bachelor’s degree. In order to qualify for a bachelor’s degree, you will generally need to have completed secondary school at a level equivalent to that offered in the country where you wish to study. In some cases you may need to do an extra preparatory year due to certain special requirements for language and scientific or mathematical studies.Duration of studies: 4 years.
Mathematics and Mechanics
Physics and astronomy
Chemical sciences
Earth sciences
Biological sciences
Equipment and technology of construction
Computer science and engineering
Electronics, radio and communication systems
Photonics, instrument engineering, optical and biotechnical systems
Utilities and thermal power
Mechanical engineering
Industrial ecology and biotechnology
Technosphere safety
Materials science and technology
Management in technical systems
Nanotechnology and nanomaterials
Political science and regional studies
Education and pedagogical sciences
Historical sciences and archeology
Philosophy, ethics and religious studies
Physical culture and sports
Institute of Industrial Economics and Management
International Business
Institute of Civil Engineering
Civil Engineering
Environmental engineering and water recourses management
Institute of Energy and Transport Systems
Heat and Power Engineering
Electrical and Electrical
Power Engineering
Power-machine engineering
Technological Machinery and Equipment
Motor Transport and Technology Systems
Nuclear Power and Thermal Physics
Institute of Metallurgy, Mechanical Engineering and Transport
Technological Machinery and Equipment
Design and Technological Support of Machine Production
Materials Science and Technology of Materials
Motor Transport and Technology Systems
Automation of processing procedures and production
Transportation Engineering Technology
Nanotechnology and Microsystems Engineering
Institute of Physics, Nanotechnology and Telecommunications
Radio engineering
Telecommunications Technologies and Communication Systems
Electronics and Nanoelectronics
Technical Physics
Institute of Computer Science and Technology
Fundamental Computer Science and Information Technology
Mathematical Software and Information Systems Administration
Information Science and Computer Engineering
Information Systems and Technologies
Applied Information Science
Software Engineering
Systems Analysis and Control
Control in Engineering Systems
Science in Technology Management
Institute of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics
Applied Mathematics and Computer Science
Mechanics and Mathematical Modeling
Mathematics and Computer Science
Applied Mathematics and Physics
Applied Mechanics
Institute of Industrial Economics and Management
Applied Information Science
Quality control
Human resources management
State and Municipal Management
Business Informatics
Commodity Research
Institute of Humanities
Regional studies
Advertising and Public Relations
Institute for Military Engineering and Safety Research
Technosphere Safety
Higher School of Biotechnology and Food Technology
Public Sector Catering Management