N izhny N ovgorod S tate T echnical University

. Nowadays students from different parts of Russia and from all over the world choose NNSTU because they are sure in the quality, relevance and solemnity of the knowledge they are given here.

NNSTU strategy is to create new educational formats in a range from a distant training system to higher electronic (virtual) systems; coupling of NNSTU’s education quality criteria with employer quality requirements. Nizhny Novgorod State Technical UniversityThe main activity of NNSTU is the preparation of well qualified specialists for science and industry.

Nizhny Novgorod State Technical University na RE Alekseev (NNSTU) is a leading university of Volga Federal District, one of the oldest and largest technical universities in Russia successfully implementing the Program of strategic development.

More than 240000 engineers, scientists, technicians and lecturers studied at NNSTU.

About 85% of the top professionals of all levels in Nizhny Novgorod region are the graduates of the Technical University.

Today NNSTU graduates head more than 300 industrial enterprises in Nizhny Novgorod, Nizhny Novgorod region, Russia and abroad.

The innovative system of the basic departments at enterprises, organizations’ research laboratories at the university and student design departments is created at NNSTU.

Hostel  N izhny N ovgorod S tate T echnical University

Nizhny Novgorod State Technical University RussianNizhny Novgorod State Technical University new hostel, designed for 535 living places (total area of ​​which is 7200 square meters), is provided with its own library, rooms for independent training, and a gym. At NNSTU well-equipped sport complex various regional and international competitions and festivals are often carried out.

Owing to its favorable location, Nizhny Novgorod has been a great trading and cultural center for many centuries. This fact caused the variety of cultures and religious trends, which can be observed at contemporary Nizhny Novgorod. Here Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Buddhism and many other creeds co-exist in harmony.

Undergraduate Studies

Institute of Transport Systems

Power Machine Building
Applied Mechanics
Petroleum Engineering
Technology of Transport Processes
Ground Transport and Technological Machines and Complexes
Operation of Transport and Technological Machines and Complexes
Shipbuilding, Ocean Engineering and Systems Engineering of Marine Infrastructure
Ground Transport and Technological Means (specialty)
Aircraft and Helicopter (specialty)

Institute of Radio Electronics and Information Technologies

Applied Mathematics and Informatics
Radio Engineering
Information and Communication Technologies and Communication Systems
Design and Technology of Electronic Means
Informatics and Engineering
Information Systems and Technology
Radioelectronic Systems and Complexes (specialty)

Institute of Nuclear Power Engineering and Applied Physics

Infocommunication Technologies and Communication Systems
Biotechnical Systems and Technologies
Heat Power Engineering and Heat Engineering
Nuclear Power Engineering and Thermal Physics
Nuclear Physics and Technologies
Nuclear Reactors and Materials (specialty)
Atomic Power Plants: Design, Exploitation and Engineering (specialty)

Institute of Physical and Chemical Technologies and Material Science

Electronics and Nanoelectronics
Chemical Technology
Technosphere Safety
Material Science and Material Technologies

Institute of Manufacturing Technologies in Machine Building

Automation of Technological Processes and Productions
Engineering and Design Support of Machine Productions
Mechatronics and Robotics
Quality Management
System Analysis and Management

Machine Building
Design of Manufacturing Machines and Complexes (specialty)
Small Gun, Artillery and Rocket Arms (specialty)

Institute of Electric Power Engineering

Electric Power Engineering and Electrical Engineering
Electronics and Nanoelectronics

Institute of Economics and Management

Applied Mathematics and Informatics
System Analysis and Management
Human Resource Management
Advertising and Public Relations
Hotel Business
Scientific Discipline of Documentation and Archival Science
Customs Affairs (specialty)

Nizhny Novgorod State Technical University – DEPARTMENTS and EXPENSES

Average monthly expense of a student in Nizhny Novgorod$250
Nizhnij Novgorod State Technical University monthly dormitory fee$65
1 year health insurance$100


Advertising and Public Relations$2200 per year (4 years)
Hotel Management$2200 per year (4 years)
Customs$2200 per year (4 years)
Economy$2200 per year (4 years)
Business$2200 per year (4 years)
Human Resources Management$2200 per year (4 years)
Power and Electrical Engineering$2100 per year (4 years)
Electronics and Nanoelectronics$2100 per year (4 years)
Chemical Engineering$2800 per year (4 years)
biotechnology$2800 per year (4 years)
Telecommunications Engineering$2800 per year (4 years)
Information Technologies and communication Systems$2800 per year (4 years)
Information Systems and Technologies$2800 per year (4 years)
Materials Science and Materials Engineering$2800 per year (4 years)
Metallurgy$2500 per year (4 years)
Mechanical Engineering$2100 per year (4 years)
Software engineering$2600 per year (4 years)
Applied Mechanics$2100 per year (4 years)
Ship and Ocean Engineering$2100 per year (4 years)
Aeronautical Engineering$2100 per year (4 years)
Naval Architecture Engineering$2100 per year (4 years)
Nuclear Energy Engineering$2100 per year (4 years)
Thermal Energy Engineering$2100 per year (4 years)
Biotechnical systems and Technologies$2100 per year (4 years)
Mechatronics and Robotics$2100 per year (4 years)
Rocket and Missile Engineering$2100 per year (4 years)

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